Thursday, June 13, 2013

Post 10- Function of lung and blow hole (Adam Mahmood)

The lung, nerve cells, and blow hole work together to allow the dolphin to breathe efficiently in its ocean environment. The blow hole is sealed by a muscle flap that the dolphin controls. It opens it when it wants to breathe. 

Post 9- Repeating cell cycle (Adam Mahmood)

The cell cycle repeats itself many times, while the baby develops, until the lung is formed. 

Post 8- Final steps of mitosis/cell cycle (Adam Mahmood)

The final step, telophase, occurs. During this stepthe chromosomes reach their specific spindles, then the spindles disappear and the nuclear envelope reforms around each set of chromosomes. Cytokinasis is the phase when the daughter cells split apart into two cells that contain the same number/quality of chromosomes. 

Post 7- Next steps of Mitosis (Adam Mahmood)

During the next step of mitosis, called metaphase,  the spindle fibres attach themselves to the centromeres of the chromosomes and align them at the equatorial plate. The next step is called anaphase, which is when the spindle fibers shorten and the centromere splits, then the sister chromatids are pulled behind the centromeres. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Post 6- Beginning steps of mitosis (Adam Mahmood)

Before the lung cell can go through mitosis, it needs to grow.  It goes through interphase which is when everything in the cell is duplicated except the chromosomes. Then the chromosomes are duplicated and the cell checks it for errors.  Then the first step of mitosis called prophase begins, where the chromosomes become visible and the centrioles separate and move to opposite poles of the cell. 

Post 5- Growth of the Lung (Adam Mahmood)

The baby dolphin's lung starts as a single lung cell and then it goes through mitosis and divides eventually forming the full functioning lung.

Post 4- Goblet cell (Adam Mahmood)

Protein leaves as mucus from a goblet cell to collect dangerous particles in the air so the dolphin can breathe and not get sick.