Monday, June 3, 2013

mother and baby

The Dolphin you see at the End is not the what you would see at the start. This large mammal starts out as a singe cell then meiosis and mitosis take place. From mitosis two daughter cells are created (see image on left for steps mitosis).  While from Meiosis it starts as one cell and ends as 4 cells.

Once the Dolphin is more then just cells two new process occur which are endocytosis and exocytosis. Endocytosis is the process by which materials enter the cell with in vesicles the pinch off the plasma membrane and then enter the cell. To imbibe larger particles like food large membrane sacks are created by Endocytosis. Exocytosis is the process of exporting protein made in the cell through a vesicle the fuses plasma membrane and distributes its content outside cell.

 Dolphins gestation period is 12 months and it changes greatly over time while in its mother.

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