Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Dolphins Family Pedigree

1a. Dennis Dolphin
1b. Debbie Dolphin

2a. Dag Dolphin
2b. Daisy Dolphin
2c. Darah Dolphin
2d. Debbie Dolphin
2e. Dain Dolphin

3a. Dirk Dolphin
3b. Dilla Dolphin

If a problem where to have occurred in the genes of the baby Dolphin the problem could have lead to cancer later in the Dolphins life or a disability that would have prohibited the dolphin from living. All the possibilities are not bad it could have lead to the a mutation in the gene that would actually give this dolphin an advantage, like sharper teeth so they could eat different types of prey or the ability to stay under water for a greater amount of time. If the mutation was one that effected the fetus it could have lead to the non development of an organ.

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